And the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom He had formed.
And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
And a River went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it parted, and became into Four heads...(Genesis 2:8-10).
"Now the garden was watered by One river which ran round about the whole earth, and it was parted into Four parts. And Phison, which denotes a multitude, running into India, makes its exit into the sea, and is by the Greeks called Ganges. (Thus the teachings of Adam/Manu found there way into the entire structure of Vedic philosophy).
Euphrates also, as well as Tigris, goes down into the Red Sea, (which we shall see, according to this purely apocryphal, but factual account of the four rivers, eventually becomes the Pacific Ocean, as well as all the other oceans of the world. For the Red Sea--as we shall see in a moment--is where the great Red Serpent lives, and this creature comprises all the peoples and nations that inhabit the body of the great Continent, Leviathan). Now the name Euphrates, or Prath, denotes either a dispersion, or a Flower; By Tigris, or Diglath, is signified what is swift with narrowness (as these mysteries being swept through the narrow place at the center of the Oracle, from West to East in those ancient times)…
And Geon runs through Egypt, and denotes what arises from the East, which the Greeks call Nile." Josephus's Antiquities I.I.3.
VEDIC CREATION MYTH...The Rig Veda is a collection of more than a thousand hymns composed in northwest India about 1500BC, in an archaic form of Sanskrit, an ancient Indo-European language. In addition to this canon, numerous myths appear in commentaries composed a few centuries later and known as the Brahmanas. These texts were not committed to writing for many centuries after their composition, but oral tradition preserved them and later Hindu literature draws heavily upon their characters and events.
The central myth of the Rig Veda is the myth of creation. This is described in several different ways. Often the universe is said to have come into being OUT OF CHAOS, (compare Genesis 1:2), when a god--Indra, king of the gods and god of rain, or Vishnu, a solar deity--SEPARATED HEAVEN FROM EARTH. (East from West, see Genesis 10:25). Then the Sun arose AND FROM THAT SPOT, THE NAVEL OF THE EARTH, A GREAT PILLAR WAS ERECTED TO PROP APART HEAVEN AND EARTH. THIS PILLAR IS THE AXIS OF THE WORLD.
This is the spirit of Abel, emerged out of the collapse of Atlantean civilization. It is the earliest image of the doctrine of Christ in the earth, and the first form of the Great Universal Non-Violent Yajna (Sacrifice) of the Vedas. (See chapter 4). These doctrines will forever separate the children of Light in the earth from the children of Darkness, Abel from Cain, and Cain from Abel.
THERE WERE NOW THREE WORLDS: HEAVEN (The East), EARTH (The West), AND THE INTERVENING (Middle Earth, the Sea, where the Great Dragon, Leviathan, lay hidden...Psalm 74:12-14). Vishnu is said to measured out (and thus, in the Vedic view, to have created) these three worlds with three great strides. (The last two are recorded at Revelation 10:2). Although there are some obscure hints of an underworld, little is said about this part of the universe in the Rig Veda. The Sun travels below the earth at night to return to the east by morning, and this mirror-image world (a world of brightness) is ruled by Varuna, (the Clear-Bright Sky)...
And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his Feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire (Sefirot) stone, and as it were the Body of Heaven in his clearness...(Exodus 24:10).
Second to the Vedic creation myths in importance and frequency are the myths of the eternal battle between gods and demons....In the Rig Veda, the demons are often confused with the human enemies of the...Indo Aryans, and Indra as king of the gods simultaneously defeats the human foes, destroys the threatening demons and sets free the creative power of the universe. The arch-enemy of Indra is Vritra, A GREAT SERPENT WHO LIES COILED ABOUT THE WORLD MOUNTAIN AT THE NAVEL OF THE EARTH, holding back the waters. Indra pierces Vritra, lets loose the rains and shatters the mountains. This act sets free the cows (the Feminine principle) who were kept prisoner in the World-Mountain, and released the Sun, (the True Light), which was held fast within the Rock of the underworld night. The slaughter of the dragon, (understand the symbolism here, see chapter three in The Commentary on the Tree of LIfe), is an act of creation as well as destruction, yet another way of firmly establishing and steadying Heaven and Earth in their proper places. Mythology, An Illustrated Encyclopedia, by Richard Cavendish, pp.15, 16.
According to the Shu Ching (Book of History), the Central Column, which like P'an-ku's body both separated and linked together Heaven (the East) and Earth (the West), was a mixed blessing, for because there was traffic between them there was confusion between gods and men. (See Genesis 6:1-8). As a result there was no proper order in the sacrifices. So the mythical ruler Chuan Hu ordered Ch'ung the governor of the South, and Li, the governor of Fire, to break communications between the two realms.The former presided over Heaven and organized the gods, while the latter did the same for men. This story emphasizes the extreme importance of proper order and ritual, and also hints at the complex bureaucracy which was the pantheon in the evolved religious system. It was organized exactly like the imperial administration on Earth (from where the Great Emperor rules over the affairs of the whole world...Psalm 48:1.2), with divine departments to control every aspect of the world's activities, whether good or evil, moral or immoral, approved or not...
The Lord of Lightning is the executioner in the celestial bureaucracy. There is an old tradition that the Sun and Moon have a common ancestor, the Emperor Shun. In fact there are Ten Suns and 12 Moons, the 12 Lunar Months...
Ten Suns and Twelve Lunar Months
The Great Solar Chariot...Ezekiel, chapter 1.
Each of these bodies has a Mother, who is in charge of its functions. Before dawn the Suns are bathed in a lake bordering on the Valley of Light at the extreme eastern edge of the world, where there is AN ENORMOUS TREE CALLED PO...Newly bathed, nine of the Suns lodge in the Tree's lower branches, while the Tenth climbs to the top and takes its place in a Chariot drawn by dragons and driven by its Mother. It proceeds across the sky by stages, the daylight hours, until it reaches A TREE CALLED JO, by Mount Yen-Tzu in the farthest West where the dragons are unyoked...Elements of this story are reflected in certain characters which can be traced to earliest Chinese writing: East is a Sun in a Tree, Light is a Sun above and Darkness a Sun under a Tree. Dawn is written with nine and a sun--the nine attendant Suns lodged in the Po Tree. Mythology, An Illustrated Encyclopedia, by Richard Cavendish, p.62.
"This state of affairs finds its unequivocal expression in the interesting Shintoist concept of 'Kokutai' or 'Kuni Gara:' The Nation (State)-Body. The term 'Gara' or 'Kara' has the existential connotation of ex or 'out of,' as it presupposes something hidden and invisible appearing in the phenomenal world with no clear-cut distinction between transcendental unity and immanent diversity. In a word 'Kokutai' proves the magnifying in conception of the Human Body; and a fresh approach to the study of Japanese culture from this psychosomatic point of view scarcely fails to yield a plentiful harvest which has never been thought of by the forerunners of Japanology who subscribe to the Western positivistic method, and who set aside any subjective factors as scientifically irrelevant...But we shall not understand what is meant by the inarticulate word 'Kokutai' (the Body of State), unless we grow well conversant with the purport of cosmic dialectics animating Japanese mythology, which narrates how Japan was brought into being.
'Kojiki' or the Records of Ancient Matters, and 'Nihon Shoki' or the Chronicles of Japan...are held to be authenticated works of a most reliable source for the study of Shintology. They furnish description of myths, legends, folklore, and historical accounts which throw much light on the relationships between the Imperial Family, the Japanese people, and the land of Japan.Both open with a mythical story bearing the essential aspects of Shinto cosmology. In particular, 'Kojiki' relates how the THREE GREAT SPIRITS (Kami) came into being on the High Plain of Heaven, WHEN HEAVEN AND EARTH PARTED...
They were named the EXALTED HEAVEN-CENTER-LORD-DEITY, the Exalted-High-Production-Deity and the Divine-Production-Deity. They arose singularly and then concealed themselves. The next spirit which sprouted like a reed floating above the oily slime, was similar to a jelly fish (floating upon the Great Sea). This deity was named Princely-Spirit-of-the-Handsome-Reed.
All Seven generations of Heavenly Deities succeeded each other in single splendour and at last a MALE-Inviting-Deity (Izangi no Mikoto) and the FEMALE-Inviting-Deity (Izanami no Mikoto) appeared corporeally as the ancestors of all things. Thereupon the Heavenly Deities commanded Izangi and Izanami to procreate and consolidate the earth and gave them a celestial jeweled Spear. So the Divine Pair standing on the floating bridge of Heaven thrust down the Spear into the brine and stirred with it until the brine began to curdle. When the Spear was pulled up the curdle dripped off and became the island of Onokoro.
The Divine Couple descended onto this island, where they built a Sacred Bower with a HIGH THICK PILLAR AT THE CENTER. Around this Pillar the Two Deities turned, from right to left, and from left to right, until they gave birth to the eight main islands of Japan proper, together with a host of smaller islands, the mountains, the valleys, rivers, trees, grass, the mists, and the winds. But, all these things procreated by the Divine Pair were overshadowed by the appearance of THE HEAVENLY-SHINING-GREAT-DEITY or THE SUN-GODDESS, whose descendants became the successive Emperors of Japan...
'Kojiki,' considered the Bible of Shinto, relates...that when the Female Deity begat the Spirit of Fire she was burned to death and this sad event plunged the Male Deity into the vortex of sorrow and agony. He decided to go down into the Netherworld to solicit his wife to return to the Sunny Land...
The world was plunged in utter Darkness. The Eight Hundred Myriad Deities all in consternation held a divine conference at the Dry bed of the Heavenly River...Next A HUGE SACRED TREE called 'Sakaki' was uprooted from the Heaveny Mountain. At this juncture all the Deities recited a divine liturgy in chorus, AT THE JUNCTURE OF THE UPPER, MIDDLE, AND LOWER BRANCHES. (And at last she was delivered from the Darkness).
The Third Divine Rescript demonstrative of the essential nature of Shinto of The Way of Kami was given by the High-Production-Deity appearing together with the Sun Goddess. This Deity is also called THE HIGH-TREE-DEITY, inasmuch as he is evidently the sanctification of cosmic vital energy enshrined in the Tree of Life. In this connection it must be recollected that upon his descent from Heaven, the grandchild of the Sun Goddess was accompanied by the FIVE Attendant Deities.
...It must be noted that the High-Tree-Deity issued the Third Divine Rescript specifically for the Two Divine Princes preoccupied with the observance of Shinto rituals...It reads:
'I will set up the Sacred Tree of Life imbued with the Solar Energy and a Sacred Enclosure to perform ritualistic ceremonies for the sake of my descendants...and go down the Central Land of Reed Plains. Moreover, ye will there perform ritualistic ceremonies in favor of my Imperial descendants...'" Zen and Shinto, A History of Japanese Philosophy, by Chikao Fujisawa.
The Buddha sat under the Bodhi Tree without moving--in blissful rapture for Seven days. Legend tells that during this period he was tempted by Mara, the Evil One...Mara, sensing the danger to himself that would emanate from the dissemination of (the Buddha's teachings), attempted to beguile the sitting Buddha...But Buddha arose from his place of enlightenment in order to push open the everlasting for those who wanted to hear, and thus became someone 'fully awoken.'...
The Noble Eightfold Path is the core of the Buddha's teaching. The Buddhist way of life, moral attitudes and religious practices are based on it. The Eightfold Path calls for Right understanding, Right motives, Right speech, Right action, Right means of livlihood, Right endeavour, Right attention and Right contemplation...
The Buddha's teaching of the Three bodies also demonstrates many analogies with Christian theology regarding the Trinity...Out of this doctrine Mahayana developed a belief in a large number of Buddhas--unending in number like grains of sand in the Ganges--which incarnate on earth time and again in human form. (see Ephesians 5:14). A transcendental Buddha is assigned to each world epoch...The heavenly Buddha in the present Aeon is Amitabha (the Immeasurable Splendour)...The worship of Amitabha illustrates how much original Buddhism has changed. The Buddha taught that redemption had to be achieved through one's own efforts. The new doctrine proclaims that redemption comes quicker and easier through the assistance of a Buddha from beyond this world.
The first written record of the Amitabha legend is contained in the Sukhavativyuha Sutra from the First century A.D. The text tells of how Amitabha reached Sukhavati, the Pure Land, a Paradise situated in the West of the Universe...That 'happy land' (Sukhavati) should be a place where all those reborn would mature to Nirvana and achieve enlightenment." The Original Jesus, The Buddhist Sources of Christianity, by Elmar R. Gruber & Holger Kersten, pp.14, 240.
"The quest for an earthly Paradise is one of the oldest and most enduring themes of mythology. Ancient clay tablets dating back to the 2nd millenium B.C. tell of the hero Gilgamesh and his epic jouirney to the Garden of the Sun in search of the secrets of immortality. In the second century B.C. the Chinese emperor Wu Ti sent envoys looking for the mythical palace of Hsi Wang Mu--the dwelling of the immortals, hidden in the mysterious Kunlun Mountains (to the West). During the middle ages Irish monks set out on the Atlantic, seeking legendary isles of the Blessed where they might find salvation. Centuries later Pilgrims crossed the ocean, hoping to find a Garden of Eden in the new world.
Tibetans have long held a tradition of just such an earthly Paradise, called Shambhala--a mythical kingdom that is hidden among the snow mountains north of Tibet. There in the sanctuary free from strife and want, a line of divine kings is said to be preserving the highest teachings of Buddhism for a time in the future when barbarians will destroy all true religion in the world outside. When the barbariaans try to conquer Shambhala, a saviour king will emerge with a supernatural army to defeat them in great battle, (see 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10), and establish a golden age throughout the world."
A Buddhist prayer: "May I quickly take birth in Shambhala, the Treasury of Jewels, and complete the stages of the Highest Yoga Tantra."
To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them Beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called Trees of Righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that They might be glorified...(Isaiah 61:1-3).
How great are His signs! and how mighty are His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation...
Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold, a Tree in the midst of the Earth, and the Height thereof was great.
The Tree grew, and was strong, and the Height thereof reached unto Heaven, and the sight thereof to the End of all the Earth.
The leaves thereof were fair, and the Fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all: the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs thereof, and all flesh was fed of it...(Daniel 4:3, 10-12).
"The gods (the higher ideas) shaped the world and created a space for themselves, called Asgard, and a space for men, Midgard. At the center of the world there is a Mighty Tree, Yggdrasill (or Odin's oblique reference to the gallows). Its branches stretch across the whole world. Its roots extend into the territory of men, into the realm of the dead, and iinto the realm of the frost giants, who live in a region of snow and ice, beyond the boundaries of human habitation. (Use your spiritual as well as political imagination). At the Foot of the Tree there is a well, which is the source of the deepest wisdom.
The cosmos is constantly threatened. The main source of the danger comes from Giantland, (Who are the greatest powers in the earth, and which is the greatest of them)? and it is the particular duty of Thor to hold the giants in check. In the myths Thor is often 'away fighting giants,' or there is something close too panic when the giants steal his weapons, especially his formidable hammer. The world of gods and men is unsafe, menaced by hostile powers...
The end of the world will be heralded by three winters of war, and then by three winters of unrelenting cold. One wolf will sieze the Sun and another the Moon. The stars will disappear (understand the metaphors), and there will be violent earthquakes. Then the chained wolf Fenrir is loosed and opens his jaws to devour the world. The Midgard Serpent spews poison over the sky and sea, and all the monsters of chaos gather for the attack.
Heimdall, the watchman of Asgard, blows a great blast on his horn, and the gods ride out to battle. Thor is soon locked in combat with the Midgard Serpent...All the gods fight bravely but in vain, while the World Tree trembles in fear...All that is left is a chaos of fire and smoke, rising into the heavens, and in the end the heat and fire is swallowed up by the ocean. The world has not ceased to exist, but it has returned to the state from which it once emerged." Mythology, edited by Richard Cavendish, pp.180, 186.
Sri Bhagavan said: "He who knows the Peepul (the Banyan) Tree (in the shape of creation), which is said to be imperishable, with its roots in the Primal Being, whose stem is represented by Brahma (the Creator) and whose leaves are the Vedas, is a knower of (the real import) of the Vedas.
The branches of this Tree (in the shape of the different species of living beings), nourished by the Three Gunas, and having sense enjoyment for their tender leaves, extend both downwards and ; and upwards; and its roots (in the shape of egoism, the feeling of meum and latent desires), which bind the soul according to his actions in this mortal world are also spread in all regions, higher as well as lower." The Song Divine, Gita Press, Gorakphur, India.
"For these hast Thou planted a Tree which blooms with flowers unfading, whose boughs put forth thick leaves, which stands firm-planted for ever, and gives shade to all...whose branches tower to heaven, whose roots sink down to the abyss.
All the Rivers of Eden water its boughs, it thrives beyond all bounds, burgeons beyond all measure. Its branches stretch endless across the world, and its roots go down to the nethermost depths. Moreover there shall be a well forth for them, a fountain of light." The Dead Sea Scriptures, by Theodor H. Gaster, p.168.
"All those other trees--those trees that stand beside water--keep railing against it, because they grow entangled in their plantations, and can send not their roots to the stream, while this one, which puts forth the shoot of Holiness upon the stock of Truth, keeps its secrets hidden, unknown, sealed and unsuspected." The Dead Sea Scriptures, p.176.
"And in the midst of the trees that of Life, in that place where the Lord rests, when He goes up into Paradise (PRDS); and this Tree is of ineffable goodness and fragrance, and adorning more than any existing thing; and on all sides it is, in form gold-like and vermilion and fire-like and covers all, and it has produce from fruits (of the Spirit).
Its Roots are in the Garden at the Earth's End. And Paradise is between corruptibility and incorruptibility, (see 1 Corinthians 15:51-55).
And Two springs come out which send forth honey and milk, and their springs send forth oil and wine, and they separate into Four parts, and go around with quiet course, and go down into Paradise of Eden between corruptibility and incorruptibility." Secrets of Enoch 8:3-6.
I Enoch: Section 25
And from thence I went to another place...
And he showed me a mountain range of fire that burnt day and night.
And I went beyond it and saw seven magnificent mountains, all differing from
the other,
and the stones (thereof) were magnificent and beautiful, magnificent as a whole,
of glorious appearance and fair exterior.
Three towards the east, one founded on the other, and three towards the south,
one upon the other,
and deep ravines no one of which joined with any other.
And the seventh mountain was in the midst of these, and it excelled them in
height, resembling the seat of a throne.
And fragrant trees encircled the throne.
And amongst them was a tree such as I had never yet smelt, neither was any amongst
them nor were others like it.
It had a fragrance beyond all fragrance, and its leaves and wood wither not
And its fruit is beautiful and its fruit resembles the dates of palm.
Then I said: "How beautiful is this tree, and fragrant, and its leaves
are fair, and its blooms very delightful in appearance."
Then answered Michael one of the holy and honored angels who was with me, and
was their leader.
And he said to me: "Enoch, why dost thou ask me regarding the fragrance
of the tree,
and why dost thou wish to learn the truth?"
Then I answered to him saying: "I wish to know about everything, but especially
this tree."
And he answered saying: "This high mountain that thou hast seen, whose
summit is like the Throne of God,
is His Throne, where the Holy Great One, the Lord of Glory, the Eternal King
will sit,
when He shall come down to visit the earth with goodness.
And as for this fragrant tree, no mortal is permitted to touch it till the great,
when He shall take vengeance on all, and bring (everything) to its consummation
It shall then be given to the righteous and holy.
Its fruits shall be for food to the elect; it shall be transplanted to the holy
to the Temple of the Lord YHVH, the Eternal King...
The Lamp enclosed in a Glass,
The glass as it were a Brilliant Star,
Lit from a Blessed Tree,
An Olive, neither of the East nor of the West,
Whose oil is well-nigh luminous,
Though Fire touched it not.
Light upon Light!
God doth guide whom He will to His Light:
God doth set forth parables for men; and God doth know all things...(Sura 24.35).
In Africa
The Boabab Tree
The Baobab Tree is a symbol of the strength of Africa. There are any myths and legends about the Baobab Tree and it is revered for its healing properties. The most common myth is that the gods in error, planted the Baobab tree upside, hence its strange shape.
In June 1999 I received a message from a plant spirit to go and make the essence of a beautiful white flower which I saw as a vision in my mind during a mediatation. It had large white petals and a profusion of white stamens emerging from it. I later found out the flower I had seen was that of the Baobab Tree. I was asked to go in December 1999 to the north of South Africa to make the remedy, and was told that it would help to "heal the scars of South Africa" and bring black and white people together. The struggle for freedom in South Africa has become a symbol for the struggle more widely in the world to end wars and inequality. The Baobab Flower Essence will be helpful to anybody who wishes to further this cause, as well as those that have been directly and indirectly affected by racism, oppression and war. The essence will help to balance the collective energies of all people in the world.
The signature of the Baobab Flower Remedy is that it will assist in the spiritual transformation in the exciting times we live in at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. The flower is a large, white waxy flower with 5 petals. The flower has a prehistoric feel to it, and is pollinated by fruit bats. The Baobab has 5 petals and 5 leaves, and the number 5 in numerology represents the emotional plane (the heart). The flower essence relates specifically to the heart and crown chakras, opening our hearts and minds to the higher forces of the Universe. The essence will help people to see how spiritually we are all ONE on the same journey home. The word Baobab means "the time when man began", a time where we were all One and our journey home is to return to this state of being, oneness with other human beings and nature. The new millennium also marks a time for a new beginning of man and woman, as the consciousness of Oneness continues to expand and grow across the globe. It is a time where people are increasingly taking responsibility for their own lives, health and the environment rather than relying on governments or other institutions. The success of this journey will mean an end to all forms of war, oppression and ecological destruction as our respect for all life becomes central to our way of thinking. The Baobab Flower Essence is a gift from nature to help humanity on this journey. The ascending astrological sign of the Baobab Essence is Aries, which is the start of the zodiac and indicates the start of a new cycle.
The Essence is able to heal wounds from lifetimes in the Age of Pisces as well as the Age of Aries. The Age of Aries started when Moses led the Jews out of bondage, according to the bible. It is also reputed that the Archangel Raphael gave Moses the book of all herbs to heal maladies.
The other distinctive feature of the Baobab Tree is that it can undergo a huge amount of mutilation, and still continue to thrive and heal. For example, I visited a Baobab Tree with a pub inside it near Magoebaskloof, which amazingly was still alive and well. This indicates that the Flower remedy of the tree can heal even the deepest scars and mutilation of body and spirit. It is a tree of incredible resilience, strength and self-healing properties. It is interesting that a Baobab Tree of South Africa has chosen to give us this gift, where the divide between black and white people has been most marked, and has caused very deep wounds and spiritual and emotional damage to both the oppressed and oppressors. The astrological birthchart of the essence also indicates that it can heal very deep wounds, particularly emotional and spiritual wounds. Chiron (the Wounded Healer Archetype), Vulcan (a hypothetical transneptunian planet who helps to put our dismembered and fragmented bits back together), Pluto (the unconscious and dark side) and the Sun (the heart) are all found in the 9th House of the Chart, the house of long distance travel. In one case the Baobab Essence healed a flesh wound virtually overnight.
The Baobab Essence has been very useful for pain, for example back pain or pain caused by arthritis, again having almost instantaneous results.
The leaves of the Baobab Tree resemble an outstretched hand, hence its Latin name Adansonia Digitata, as if reaching out in friendship.
The Baobab is unusual in that it is approximately 90% water, and swells up after the rains. It is therefore a tree that mirrors a human being and the earth, which are also comprised of 90% water.
The bark and leaves of the Baobab tree are used medicinally by the indigenous people of the area for a number of physical illnesses including chest complaints, fever and malaria. The flower essence of the tree may also help with these illnesses. The flower of the tree is the most evolved part of the plant and therefore contains the medicinal properties of the whole. In bushmen paintings women are depicted with breasts of the Baobab fruit, and the essence may help with fertility. The flower essence also holds the wisdom of all the incarnations of the tree and all other trees of its species. As the tree is prehistoric this is a lot of wisdom! As previously mentioned the essence may also help to heal flesh wounds. Many people have reported that the Baobab has good (miraculous in a few cases) effects on pain, especially for the back and related to arthritis.
The Baobab Flower Remedy was made in Messina, near the border of South Africa and Zimbabwe on the 14th December 1999. It was made in the cycle of the brightest Full Moon for 173 years on the Summer Solstice on the 22 December 1999. This area lies on the great rift of Africa which in ancient times was called Gondwanaland before the continents split. Many believe this is the place where man/woman began.
The tree is one of the largest in Southern Africa and is 4000 years old. This area of South Africa, Mpumalanga, is one of the few where the traditional spiritual beliefs of the indigenous people, the Venda have survived the ravages of Apartheid. It is the home of the Rain Queen who has great powers. There are many sacred forests and lakes in the area and it is a landscape of exquisite beauty. The area is also close to the Kruger National Park, one of the largest game reserves in Africa.
In North America
The Celestial Tree of the Iriquois (the Six Nations).
Hauden-osaunee (the People of the Long House).
The Celestial Tree of many fruits and flowers stood at the Center of the Sky World. When it was uprooted Sky Women fell through the hole. As she fell she grabbed the roots of the Tree, bring gifts of tobacco and the wild strawberry to Earth. At the burial of Sky Women's daughter, corn, beans and squash grew from her body. tobacco from her chest and strawberries at her feet. Flowers and Circles on this Tree represent these gifts.
From the Codex Vindobonensis
"The Birth of the Founders of the Mixtec People, metaphorically the original human beings, from a Tree at Apoala is depicted (above) on page 37 of the pre-Hispanic Mixtec Codex Vindobonensis. The codices of the Mixtecs, in addition to being a remarkable work of art, , provide an almost unique sense of the scope of the mythic-historic vision of the people of Mesoamerica, retelling Mixtec history from its primordial beginnings. Claiming descent from the Feathered Serpent, the Mixtecs, who by 1350 A.D. occupied an area of southern Mexico that now comprises the western section of the state of Oaxaca...believe that their founding fathers were born from Trees, both a metaphoric reference to their close ties to the land and to their cosmic relationship to the World Axis, since the World Tree stands in the center of the cosmos uniting the lower, middle, and upper worlds and thus also suggests the continuing nature of the process of creation.
Following the detailed interpretation of this image by Jill Furst, we see a Tree with a cleft in its crown from which emerges a nude male covered with red body paint. A nude female stands above him. (She is the Tree, giving birth to the Son). On either side of the Tree, identified by their signs, appear 7 Rain of the right, holding a cutting implement in his right hand while touching the Tree with his left, and 7 Eagle on the left side, holding a clawed implement in one hand while similarly touching the Tree with his other hand. They seem to be cutting into the trunk of the Tree, (to get at its meanings), which appear to grow from a feathered carpet. A Mixtec symbol for a plain. At the base of the Tree there is a Female head with an extended tongue, (think of the Goddess Kali), a fang in the corner of her mouth, and long hair with what appear to be red 'bangs,' both probably generative signs, the color suggesting one of the possible colors of corn..
Together with the male figure at the top of the Tree, this female figure at the base indicated the male-female nature of the Birth Tree, a metaphor similar to the male-female nature of the Aztec creator god, Ometeotl. The blue tubular earplug that she wears is a male characteristic and thus suggests again the dual sexuality of the Tree, as does the fact that the left side of the Tree has a row of white circles--female symbols--while the right side has three arrows--masculine symbols, increasing in size toward the bottom. The body of the Tree itself is swollen, indicating perhaps that the offspring will be removed by cutting into the 'pregnant' trunk, which is divided on top by a V-shaped cleft before being separated in half vertically along the center by a thin red line that thickens as it reaches the bottom.
On either side of the Tree there are group of Five branches, the arrangement of which strongly suggests a quincunx
, with all its cosmic implications concerning the space-time continuum that is the created world, the world into which humanity, in the persons of the nude male and female, is emerging. Such an image, of course, would suggest that this Tree is the World Tree at the cosmic center, and in that connection the possibility of seeing this image as both an upright Tree and an inverted female figure links cosmic creation to human procreation. That link is one of the primary concerns of the narrative myths of human creation throughout Mesoamerica since it is through procreation, the uniting of the created male and female, that the process of creation becomes cyclical and continuous." The Flayed God, pp.152,153.
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates of the City...(Revelation 22:14).