And the Science of History


"Various explanations have been given for the popularity of Napoleon and the persistence of his legend in the United States...His ideas, words, and even actions unconnected with wars were of no interest; what mattered were feats of battle, arms, and military glory. The cult of Napoleon was part of another cult, the cult of chivalry...Napoleon symbolized the romantic warrior."

"When they set him up as a warrior belonging to all times and places, their vision was the same as Napoleon's..." Napoleon and the American Dream, by Inus Murat, Translated by Frances Frenaye, pp.194, 195.


"Brotherhood for Napoleon was not simply a union of the men of his time in the same political order; it was a solidarity of all men throughout history. HE HIMSELF WAS A LINK IN A CHAIN THAT ATTACHED A DYING CIVILIZATION TO ONE IN THE PROCESS OF BIRTH. HE INSERTED HIMSELF INTO HISTORY; His dream's movement was meant to be synchronized with the movement of history." p.213.


"America (the author says) was outside of this chain of historical events--It lay away from, and outside of history itself. 'America had no historical references...' (Mentioning Milton's epic of Paradise Lost, the author says): 'America gave birth to a nation, but one that was born fully developed like Adam...' It was the Paradise Lost that men hoped to rediscover, evoking the simplicity of a new-born world untroubled by the complexities of intertwined civilizations...Although the Western myth lives on in America...there is in America a state of pre-civilization." p.214.


"He was no common mortal...Napoleon believed that the world was run by a hidden power...which allotted to superior men roles in the great design known to it alone, a design that had no moral element. He himself was one of these godlike men, like Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar." pp.218, 219.


"Economics (Napoleon) thought had to be restrained lest it corrupt the political state and its citizens...America on the other hand, took its ideas from the English merchant class. It was afraid not of the corruption engendered by the mercantile mentality, but of the danger of a political power so strong as to infringe upon democratic freedoms, chief among them was the freedom to make money.

Trade...was the prime mover of the American Revolution...And from then on, Americans carried on the British tradition of warring for trade routes, raw materials, and markets." Napoleon and the American Dream, p.207.

The Mystery of the Assyrian Kings...Daniel, chapter 7, Revelation 13:5-9.

Open the Book of Isaiah, chapters 36 to 39 (KJV). Open them in the East, at the time of the ancient kings of Assyria. Open them in Central Europe in the time of Napoleon. Open them again in the West, in our own time--in the time of the final and ultimate kings of Assyria.


All my life I have sacrificed everything--comfort, self-interest, happiness--to my destiny. Napoleon to Josephine

The so-called Constitution of the Year XII (1804) removed from France the last vestiges of legislative independence, but it maintained the fiction that the nation, though ruled by an emperor, was a republic. This fiction was soon allowed to fall into oblivion. The Tribunate, deprived of what usefulness it still had, continued to vegetate for three years and then died a quiet death. The emperor's will became law either by the promulgation of decrees or in the form of senatus consulta. In the latter case the emperor would send the text of the proposed law to the Senate for its approval; the Senate would pass it unanimously, without change, and thank the emperor for his gracious communication in abjectly servile terms reminiscent of senatorial practice under Tiberius and Nero...

While it was clear to the emperor that a generation that had passed through the French Revolution and witnessed his climb to power could never, in its innermost heart, accept him as monarch by divine right, he expected to bring up the future generations in that faith. The school system, as reorganized by him in 1807 and 1808, placed all education, on all levels, under the central authority of the University of France--that is, of the state."...Education was not restored to the Church, but religion nevertheless became one of its basic features, and the cornerstone of religion was the catechism Napoloeon had drawn up for France...Here is what all French children were taught under Napoleon's reign: Question: What should one think of those who fail in their duties to our emperor? Answer: According to the Apostle Saint Paul, they would resist the order established by God Himself and would make themselves deserving of eternal damnation....

If the new aristocracy contributed to the image of France as the great nation and of Paris as the capital of the world, the pomp and splendor of the imperial court and army--with their glittering and exuberent uniforms, their glistening helmets and swords and eagles, their dazzling balls, their clattering of calvalcades, their mixture of feminine grace and military dash, their swanlike beauties and the grizzled grenadiers, their counterpoint of violins and guns--provided a spectacle and created a mystique that intoxicated a generation and set they style for a century. France was intoxicated with glory, which enhanced life and nullified death. It was a decidedly masculine mystique. Love, as Napoleon put it, was "the warriors relaxation." Woman's purpose was to bear sons, to be beautiful and gentle, to adorn man's world with simpple grace, while men strutted like peacocks in their plumes and gold braid...with a clatter of swords and medals...

To create all this splendor, and to make the impassive marble features and the sober silhouette of its creator into the symbols they became, required the spending of human lives on a lavish scale. But men and arms were cheap in those days...Men were chosen by lot. During the period 1801-1804, 60,000 men were called up each year; in 1805 the figure jumped to 210,000, and the total for the period 1805-13 has been estimated at more than 2,300,000 men...

The intoxication with glory did not extend to the classes that furnished the bulk of the cannon fodder. With each levy, the number of deserters rose; thousands mutilated themselves to avoid conscription; and squads of gendarmes covered the country to track down deserters...

"I have only one passion, only one mistress," the emperor once said, "and that is France: I sleep with her. She has never failed me, she has lavished her blood and her treasures on me. If I need five hundred thousand men, she gives them to me." She did indeed submit to his murderous embrace, but he was flattering himself if he thought that he gave her much pleasure. The assertion that his soldiers invariably adored him is a myth...

For more than two years after the resumption of warfare between England and France in 1803, the Continent remained at peace. By the close of 1804, however, it was clear that a new coalition against France was in the making. In January, 1805, the English government set aside the sum of five million pounds for subsidies to those monarchs who would undertake to put land armies into the firld against France (the price of men's lives, let it be repeated, was cheap) and began to press its negotiations with the sovereigns of Russia, Austria and Prussia...

The Peace of Pressburg (after the Battle of Austerlitz) made Napoleon the master of Western Europe. The coalition had been broken up, temporarily at least; Austria had been made innocuous; the Holy Roman Empire had ceased to exist all but in name, and ceased to exist in name also when, in 1806, Emperor Francis II, abdicated as Roman emperor, retaining the title Francis I, emperor of Austria, which he had adopted in 1804. The empire of Napoleon now extended from the Atlantic to the borders of the Ottoman Empire." The Age of Napoleon, by J. Christopher Herold, pp.150-159.


And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue Forty and Two months.

And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his Name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

And it was given unto him (the last kings of Assyria) to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world...(Revelation 13:5-8)


"With hero-worship like Carlyle's, I have little patience. In history heroes have neutralized each other and the result is no more than we would have reached without them" Henry Adams.

"This work whetted Henry Adam's desire to get at the true hidden history of that faction-ridden period. In little more than half a century the facts had been distorted by legend, partisan pamphlets, and uncritical eulogies. By getting at the documentary sources a historian might be able to bring American History into the 19th century scientific movement, to find laws of its movement and perhaps predict its direction. Herbert Spencer's Theory of Social Evolution...raised the hope of a genuine science of history."

"Concerning Jefferson, Madison and Monroe: 'There is no possibility of reconciling their theories with their acts, or their extraordinary foreign policy with dignity. They were carried along on a stream which floated them without much regard to themselves...'

The principle that the individual's power of decision had little influence upon the course of history was a hard one to write by...He (Adams) justified the apparent inconsistencies of his method by the simplest explanation that his chief object of interest was to define 'National Character.'

Although Adams recognized that his theory would be at best only an approach to truly scientific history, one encounters in his pages evidence of his efforts to provide objective measurements of the historical movement and of the forces at work...

At the same time, the central riddle that defied solution was the movement of thought, the psychic component of the diagram of power. This he left to challenge the hoped-for Newton of history. His own work was intended only to serve the fundamental historian with a fixed and documented starting point." Henry Adams, The History of the United States of America, (During the Times of Jefferson and Madison), edited by Ernest Samuels. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1967.

Had Adams access to the Oracles he would have seen how these "Newtons" (the prophets) had already passed into history centuries ago. He would have seen the America nation emerging out of the Mind of God itself, not only as it came ashore upon this continent but as it was seen "Seven times" ago in the Dream of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon:"


Chapter 11

The Great Dragon, and the Mystery of Iniquity

Cain and Nimrod